Hi everyone!

full length of boy sitting on floor
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com                                     (This is not my kid btw)

The past few days have been pretty busy for me. Not so busy schedule wise, but activity wise. My little guy, who is now 8 and a half months old, has started to crawl for real! He had been spinning himself in circles on his tummy for about a month, and then started figuring out how to scoot himself backwards, and over the weekend figured out how to go forwards. Today I saw a tiny nub of a tooth pop up too! My little guy is growing so fast!! *sniff sniff* I’m going to get all the cuddles I can out of him while I can. (Oh gosh – don’t cry Patti, don’t cry!)

I couldn’t be more proud of my little dumpling – however, now this means I have to constantly keep my eye on him and drag him away from potentially dangerous stuff. I really need to baby proof my apartment – I’m looking into getting a little playpen too to hopefully keep him contained.

I’ve been getting overwhelmed with household chores lately. I watch the dishes and bottles and dust bunnies pile up and just want to plop myself on the couch in front of the AC and watch a movie. (My husband and I watched Jumanji 2 the other day and it was surprisingly very good!) Tonight I buckled down and stayed focused on getting all the dishes and bottles done so that weight is off my shoulders! I have to keep telling myself “This is not that hard” and it really isn’t!

Since my little guy went to bed early after a big day of playing, eating, crawling and bath time, I thought I’d spend some time doing a journal prompt.

Tonight’s prompt is….

“Three favorite book characters”

Oooo. A tough one! I’m going to focus on children’s books for this one. In no particular order…

  1. Hermione Granger or Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series
    1. I think I see a little of myself in both of these girls. Hermione for being a book lover, Luna for being quirky. 🙂
    2. I stumbled upon this great write up on Luna Lovegood
  2. Pippi Longstocking from the Pippi Longstocking series
    1. I remember thinking Pippi was the coolest kid in the world. She had a horse, a pet monkey and was super strong. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll always come out on top!”
  3. Biblo Baggins from the Hobbit
    1. If I could live in any book environment, it would be the Shire. I think I’d really enjoy life as a hobbit – drinking tea, gardening, cooking and eating. Bilbo stepped out of the comfort zone of the Shire to go on a really grand adventure. He wasn’t strong, fast or extraordinarily clever, but he was still able to help his dwarven friends.


Dear friends – share some of your favorite book characters down below!


2 thoughts on “Life lately #2 and a journal prompt!

  1. I immediately thought of Pippi Longstocking, too! Wasn’t she cool? And the illustrations of her were always so fun. I also liked Lily Bart from Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth. Lily Bart wasn’t always likable, but I can’t forget her. And Huckleberry Finn. I won’t forget him, either.

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